Sleep can be significantly impacted for women long before the cries of a
wailing newborn baby interrupt the night. In fact, sleep problems can
begin in pregnancy for many women and this can lead to significant
consequences for both mother and child. Learn how sleep disorders such
as sleep apnea and inadequate sleep from sleep deprivation contribute to high blood pressure, diabetes, and other undesired outcomes and what can be done to prevent these problems.
How Much Sleep Do I Really Need?
We’ve all been told that we should get eight hours of sleep per night.
This information is an average and might not be a perfect fit for
everyone. Some may need more sleep and others less, and our needs may
actually change through the years. Thus, the oft-recited advice that
every person needs eight hours of sleep a night is a myth.
The Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Having a Stroke
A study published in The Lancet called INTERSTROKE confirmed
that people can reduce their risk of having a stroke by making lifestyle
changes. The study found that modifiable risk factors are responsible
for 88 percent of stroke risk. The excellent news here is the
"modifiable" part of the equation -- most of these factors can be
completely avoided, or at least modified.
A Simple Diet Plan for Longevity and Anti Aging
The Longevity Diet Plan, is a collection of practical eating guidelines
that will help you be successful in changing your eating patterns in
just one month. Eating healthier can become an obsession or sticking to a
specific diet only makes eating more arduous and stressful than it
should be. The trick to changing your eating habits for good is making a
natural, simple change and this is the cornerstone of the longevity diet plan.
Don’t Make This Mistake Before Bed
What does your usual nighttime routine look like?
Do you read a book? Drink a mug of warm milk? Watch some TV?
Well, here’s something you should NEVER do right before bed…
Don’t take a hot bath or shower before trying to sleep.
Do you read a book? Drink a mug of warm milk? Watch some TV?
Well, here’s something you should NEVER do right before bed…
Don’t take a hot bath or shower before trying to sleep.