Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center

5 Vegetarian Meals Any Kid Will Love

Offering more vegetarian options for your family may seem like an impossible task, but with a few helpful hints you can whip up stellar veggie-centric meals while the family proudly cheers you on.

Crafting a healthy vegetarian recipe requires some knowledge of what nutrients are needed. Before we get into a few basic recipes that you can cater to anyone's preference, let's see what they should offer.

Heartburn Cure; Tips to Mellow Down That Burning Heartburn Pain

Heartburn is described as a burning sensation that can be felt in the chest specifically at the lower sternum. Such pain is caused by a reflux of digestive acid that shoots up and enters the lower esophagus thus resulting in a burning sensation and acute pain.

5 Homeopathic Remedies for Stress

We tend to associate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with combat veterans, but any traumatic event, from earthquakes to car accidents, can trigger this often frustrating and debilitating malady.

For many people, the psychological effects of traumatic events are temporary—after a time, they start to feel like their old selves again. But some people can’t seem to get back to their old normal. Many suffer from fears, anxiety, and panic attacks that don’t go away, and these prevent them from living their normal lives.