Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center

How to Break the Cycle of Stress Eating

Something stressful happens at work, home, school, on the road, during your commute or wherever. It feels out of your control, you feel powerless to fight it and you have no idea how to solve or fix it. The stress weighs you down -- metaphorically and literally -- to the point where you feel and think more slowly and react as if you're under pressure.

And then you eat. It could be something sweet, something salty, something fatty or something you're emotionally attached to -- it doesn't matter. You eat it, and you feel better.

This is the cycle of stress eating, and it will get you every single time.

Sleep may be more important than you know

Lose just one hour of sleep a night and you compromise your well-being,productivity, and ability to think clearly, sleep experts say.

Yet many of us continue to sacrifice much-needed shut-eye to by surfing the web, watching TV, and texting on our ubiquitous smartphones in the wee hours.

The Truth About 10 Over-the-Counter Cold Remedies

The average American gets three colds a year, each lasting for nine to 14 miserable days, so it's no surprise that we spend billions of dollars on over-the-counter cold and flu remedies annually. Turns out that by and large, we're wasting our money. Evidence suggests that few remedies—herbal, over-the-counter, or homeopathic—are likely to influence the course of a cold or the flu. That said, some do work.

Stomach acid drugs may increase vitamin deficiency risk

Popular drugs that are used to control stomach acid may increase the risk of a serious vitamin deficiency, suggests a new study.

Researchers found people who were diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency were more likely to be taking proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs), compared to those not diagnosed with the condition.

The drugs are commonly used to treat conditions like acid reflux - also known as GERD - and peptic ulcers.