Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center

New Year, New Juice: Why Juice Generation and the Juice Cleanse Trend Have Survived So Long

New Year’s health resolutions typically seem daunting—and, let’s face it, pointless since they tend to diminish quickly. But millennials and the modern age are less obsessed with fad diets and extreme workout regimens—and more aware of implementing healthy decisions into everyday life.

Merry Stress-mas: 12 Steps To Reduce Holiday Anxiety

Ahh, the holidays! Time for many to celebrate their faith. For others, to reflect on the accomplishments of yet another year gone by, and to plan for an even better one ahead. It is also a time to be with family, give thanks, serve others, and enjoy a break from the normal routines of life. Enter stress – the end of happy holidays for so many!

A Healing Tonic That Made With 7 Antibacterial Foods to Fight Infections Naturally

It’s well known that all of us need a strong immune system to help defend the body against microbes, which are pathogenic organisms that result in illness. One of the most natural ways we boost immune system is eating some foods with antibacterial properties.

Set those fit foodies, glam girls, and techie friends up for daily bliss with these gorgeous—dare we say indulgent?—presents.

Shopping for holiday gifts can be awfully stressful. After all, your best friend is into tech, while your sister only uses sustainable products, and your mom goes giddy for the newest kitchen gear. Take a deep breath and consider this chaotic problem officially solved with our new gift guide for every type of woman in your life.

7 Major Benefits of Lycopene (Include preventing cancer and heart conditions)

Have you heard of the antioxidant called lycopene? Its most popular source is tomatoes – lycopene gives tomatoes the red color. Lycopene is also found in papaya, watermelon, grapefruit, guavas, red pepper, asparagus, mangoes, and carrots.

Studies show that lycopene has amazing benefits. Here are the many benefits you’ll get from consuming foods rich in lycopene.

Health Benefits of Dates Fruit

Most people avoid dates due to high amounts of sugar but we can all benefit from them. They’re rich in magnesium, vitamin B6, fiber, and potassium. If you have sugar cravings you’re better off eating dates instead of ice cream.

Now, let’s look into how eating dates can prevent different diseases.

8 Collective Facts You Should Eat Kiwifruit Everyday

Kiwi was brought from China to New Zealand during the early 20th century by the missionaries. Kiwi fruit is known as the Chinese gooseberry. It is an edible berry. It is oval in shape with brown, hairy cover. It is green in color with black, edible seeds rowed in the center.

There are over 400 varieties of this fuzzy fruit, which grows off of vines on a trellis, much like grapes are cultivated. It is a very healthy fruit with dense nutritional value. It contains a high amount of antioxidants, flavonoids, and phytonutrients.

Health Benefits of Mulberry

Mulberry Leaf is one of the most powerful aromatic herbal drink, and it is prepared from the fresh and dried leaves of the white and black mulberry tree, grown in several parts of Asia. As it contains all the essential nutrients, the caffeine-free herbal decoction has several health-promoting benefits.

Mulberry is native to warm and subtropical climates growing naturally in regions such as the Americas, China, Japan, and Central Asia. Study found that mulberry leaf contains 18 amino acids, minerals and vitamins, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium and iron.

Muscle Cramp Remedies

Treating muscle cramps requires a multi-tiered approach that includes lifestyle changes, dietary changes and nutritional supplements. Regulating the activity level and eating a balanced diet with plenty of water supports effective functioning and eliminates many symptoms of muscle cramping. Additionally, specific supplements deliver important nutrients to the body and prevent cramps.

3 Juices That Detox Entire Body & Clean Out of Your System

Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxic substances from your body. It is a complex process, but research suggests that drinking juice can help our body to get rid of toxin easily. Juicing floods your system with powerful nutrients and antioxidants. According to study, detox drink recipes can assist in ridding your body of toxins and bringing it back into healthy balance.

How Oregano Tea Cure Coughs, Sinusitis and Infections

Oregano is a tasteful herb within the mint family. This herb serves as the last touches to an Italian dish, but, it is also perfect for brewing tea.

For years, oregano tea has been regarded as an effective herbal supplement and was used as a treatment by  many. Research has proven that the vitamins and minerals, which are present in this tea., turned it into an excellent supplemental drink.

Uses of Lemongrass

Lemongrass is a perennial plant characterized by slender, long leaves. It is found mostly in Asian countries. As the name implies, lemongrass shares the same smell as that of the lemon fruit, but features a milder and sweeter taste. Lemongrass also called fever grass is an herbal plant commonly used in Asian cooking due to its delicious smell and powerful flavor.

An All-Natural Remedy that can Replace Painkillers and Anti-inflammatory Medications

People who suffer from arthritis know how life can be tough living with the pain and its sudden flare ups. When it attacks the knees or hips, arthritis can impair and even limit a victim’s movements, cause debilitating pain with minimal relief from rest.

Although over-the-counter drugs bring relief to arthritic patients, drugs including ibuprofen and even prescription medication may only bring more harm, as such drugs, due to their painkiller effect, can result in dependency and drug addition.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is good for healthy vision, skin, bones and other tissues in the body. Vitamin A often works as an antioxidant, fighting cell damage, but it also has many other uses.

“Through its role with cell growth and division, vitamin A has an important role in the normal formation and maintenance of the heart, lungs, kidneys and other vital organs,” Dr. Sherry Ross, women’s health expert at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, told Live Science.

Alkaline Diet and Its Benefits

Proponents of the alkaline diet claim that eating certain foods influences the body’s acid-base homeostasis, or pH levels. It’s believed that encouraging a healthy, pH balanced environment within the body can produce favorable effects on one’s health.[1] It sounds like a good idea, and it is true that tissues and fluids must maintain a certain pH level to function properly. However, your body has mechanisms to keep pH levels in check — regardless of what you eat. Let’s take a closer look at the alkaline diet and break it down.

Breastfeeding Diet: Foods To Eat When You're Breastfeeding

A breastfeeding mom can eat just about anything she wants, so you don't have to avoid any particular types of foods while you're nursing your baby. Women all over the world breastfeed, some with diets full of spices, garlic, and gassy vegetables. Even women who do not have healthy diets can maintain a healthy supply of high-quality breast milk.

Home Remedies for Arthritis

Nowadays more and more people are suffering from arthritis, they have serious pain in the back, legs, knees and ankles. It will get worse with age, especially osteoarthritis, one of the most common types of arthritis.

Germ-Busting Drink

Sinus is normally caused by bacterial infections, it’s so common that according to statistics, researchers find that around 29.8 million adults experience sinusitis in 2010, and the number is upto 37 million on the latest statistics.
Good news is that you can feel free to take help of natural home remedies for sinus infection, they’re safe and easy to use.

Fabulous Softness from Natural Ingredients

 The most complex mixture of natural mineral and organics that has ever been blended together!

Fabulous oils and emollients from cold-pressed avocado-S-almond, coconut oils, and Vitamin E in a luxurious white cream lotion. Provides the same detoxifying benefits as our Miracle II Neutralizer - Gel. You'll love the feel of it on your skin... and the way it makes your skin feel!

Cold Hands and Feet Remedies

Cold hands and feet may seem like a natural bodily state; however, if not in a cold environment, an individual’s hands, feet, or any other extremity should really not be cold. While having cold hands or feet is generally a part of the body’s natural response to regulate and control the body temperature, persistently cold extremities may be a sign of underlying health concerns or potential development of health issues.

Ortho Biotic - Gastrointestinal Support

Ortho  Biotic is a unique probiotic formula designed to deliver active organisms shown to promote healthy gut microflora, protect intestinal integrity and boost immune function. Included in this formula is Saccharomyces boulardii, an extensively researched microorganism shown to help restore microflora balance by enhancing commensal organism function. Each Ortho Biotic capsule provides seven proven probiotic strains chosen for their ability to withstand the harsh gastrointestinal (GI) environment and adhere to the intestinal tract to deliver superior results.

  • Helps Maintain Gastrointestinal Balance
  • Increase secretory IgA for Enhanced Gut Immunity
  • Supports Bowel Regularity
  • Supports Digestion and Micronutrient  Absorption

Find Your Psoriasis Cure!


What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic skin disease caused when the immune system identifies your own skin cells as pathogens and overstimulating the production of more skin cells. There are five different types of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis being the most common. In plague psoriasis, skin will build up in silvery-white patches called plaques.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a common herb added to many types of dishes. Some studies have shown that sage may have some surprising health benefits—including improving your lipid levels.

Xylitol An Amazing Discovery for Health

Xytlitol is not an artificial sweetener but a sweet crystalline carbohydrate that naturally occurs in virtually all vegetables and fruits leaves no aftertaste!

With a low glycemic index of 7 (compared to table sugar at 100), Xylitol is the perfect sweetener for diabetics. It is also proven to help with weight management.

Xylitol effectively reduces risk of cavities and upper respiratory infections (including earaches).

Studies have shown that those who took Xylitol experienced 40% reduction in tooth decay as compared to those who received basic prevention that included flouridated toothpaste.

Pediatricians and ENT physicians across the U.S. are now recommending Xylitol sprays to their patients who suffer with persistent sinusitis or other ear, nose and throat conditions.

Dr. Matti Uhari of the University of Oulu in Finland found that 8.4 grams of Xylitol taken orally on a daily basis reduced ear infections by 42%.

Click here for more information and details of Xylitol benefits .

Argan Oil

For centuries, the Berber women of Morocco have relied on oil from argan trees to keep their skin healthy and youthful. Once a well-kept secret, the dense golden oil has now been hailed in the Western world as a miracle treatment for both skin and hair due to its extraordinarily high concentration of vitamins A and E.

Weight Loss

Motivational speaker and author Louise Hay is still going strong at the age of 88. How does she do it? In a new book, Loving Yourself to Great Health, she teams up with her go-to natural health and nutrition experts Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane to reveal her secrets: listening to your body and living a nutrient-rich life.

Seaweed supplements

Seaweed is a large part of almost all coastal diets—Japan, Korea, China, Iceland, Denmark, Hawaii, and more—and for good reason. There is definitely something to this. Seaweed offers a variety of health benefits that many of us are missing out on; not only that, but the wide range of nutrients that seaweed contains is a benefit in and of itself. Many of these nutrients are not found in the everyday plants that are eaten in America. Since seaweed is native to the sea, it soaks up all the nutrients there. For this reason, seaweed supplements have been experiencing a surge in popularity, both for the nutrients available in them and the benefits that the supplements can potentially have on the body.

Natural face moisturizers

People say that you start to age ever since the day that you are born! Undoubtedly aging is one thing that no one can prevent or avoid experiencing. However, what we can do is to ensure our skin greater care and attention to keep it looking as great as possible for as long as possible, and the best way to do this is to moisturize it regularly, and to do it using simple, organic yet greatly effective natural face moisturizers!

Home Remedies Using Kitchen Medicine

Q:  What are your top recommendations for staying healthy? I’m also curious to know what you think of kitchen medicines—for example, which foods and herbs help the body heal?—Judith Rae P., Boston

A: Our modern society has coached us to seek quick and easy fixes for whatever problem or ailment arises—but the quick fix isn’t necessarily the best fix. When it comes to your health, there’s no question that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

11 Natural Remedies for Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is an uncontrollable and irritating sensation which urges people to scratch the affected spot endlessly. In many instances, itchy skin can be due to external factors such as extreme weather, dry conditions or too much sun exposure. However, it may also be caused by internal diseases, medication or allergic reactions.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum)

Cinnamon (Dalchini) is a herb traditionally used by many ancient cultures. It is indicated for a variety of ailments including gastrointestinal problems, urinary infections, relieving symptoms of colds and flu and has remarkable anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Some studies have shown that Cinnamon helps people with diabetes metabolise sugar better.

Plantain, a common driveway weed, is one of nature's most powerful medicines

It's known to pop up as a persistent weed in gardens, on lawns and even in driveway cracks. But plantain is one of the most medicinally powerful "nuisance" plants that you probably aren't taking advantage of for your health, perhaps to your own detriment.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Globulus)

Eucalyptus comes from the eucalyptus tree, native to Australia, but is now grown in many places all over the world. It's the oil, derived from the crushed leaves of the tree, that has made its mark as nature's medicine. Its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties have been used over the centuries for cosmetic and dental use, to ward off insects, and to treat a wide range of respiratory problems.

Health 10 Benefits of Himalayan Salt for Health and Beauty

Before you get to know important benefits of Himalayan salt, read some basic information about this special type of salt. Having rose-like, delicate pink color, Himalayan salt is distinctive and famous for its nutritional value because it consists of a large amount of essential minerals. Himalayan salt is majorly extracted from the Himalayan belt, also known as “White gold”. Often called “pink salt”, Himalayan salt contains chloride, sulfate, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, copper, zinc, and fluoride. Because the majority of minerals available in this salt exist in the colloidal form, they can easily be absorbed by the human cells. Besides, because of its rich content of minerals, Himalayan salt offers a wide range of healing and therapeutic uses for both physical and mental health. 

Cucumbers as medicine

From adding a crunch to your summer salad, to fighting cancer and heart disease, the humble cucumber is a great ally in your quest for optimal health. This wonderful low-calorie fruit (yes you read that right, cucumber is not a vegetable but a fruit) has so much more to offer than electrolytes and water.

7 Best Herbs for Boosting Metabolism and Helping You Lose Weight

Natural ways make your weight loss program a little bit easier and there are herbal plants that have positive effects to stimulate your metabolism and aid in weight loss. Along with a healthy diet plan and regular exercise, these weight loss herbs boost weight loss effectively:

Foods to avoid with high cholesterol

There are many foods that should be avoided or limited if you have high cholesterol levels. These foods for the most part are those who have high fat contents. Many of these foods are either foods that are products that are meats or animal by products. Foods that come from animals or animal by products such as milk, eggs and cheese are those that contain high cholesterol content. In fact eggs have one of the highest amounts of cholesterol in them.

Healthy Gut Secrets

IBS, short for irritable bowel syndrome, is a medical conundrum because symptoms vary, causes are unknown, and there isn’t any definitive, effective conventional treatment. When patients detail their symptoms to a doctor, they are likely checked for appendicitis, gallstones, tumors, an ulcer, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. If none of these are the culprit, the diagnosis may be IBS.

13 Medicinal Benefits of Guava and Guava Leaves

The guava fruit is a tropical fruit and native to the Caribbean. Its skin is thin, light yellow and blushed with pink. It  has a pleasant flavor reminiscent of fresh strawberries and pears.

Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera Biennis)

Evening primrose oil has been called the most sensational preventive discovery since vitamin C. It contains the pain relieving compound phenylalanine and is increasingly being used to treat chronic headaches. It is currently being studied all over the world as a treatment for aging problems, alcoholism, acne, heart disease, hyperactivity in children, symptoms of menopause, multiple sclerosis, weight control, obesity, PMS and schizophrenia. It has so many preventive and therapeutic qualities that it has become a standard part of recommendations of many herbalist for maintaining youth and preventing disease.

Yeast Infection Remedies

If you're considering using alternative medicine, talk to your doctor first. Keep in mind that it should not be used as a substitute for standard care in the treatment of any health condition. 


  • Support proper respiratory function*
  • Contain 5 ingredients to maintain histamine levels within normal ranges*
  •  Supports healthy balanced immune system and contain 5potent oxidants.
A dietary supplement recommended for:  

  • Itchy eyes, skin and nose*
  • Runny or stuffy nose*
  • Red, splotchy skin*
  • Discomfort associated with respiratory dysfunction or skin irritation*

Histamine Support

Quercetin is potent water-soluble bioflovanoid that is readily absorbed and utilized by the body. It helps strengthened cell membranes making them  less reactive to irritants.*  Quercetin reduces the intensity of allergic reaction by supporting histamine with normal ranges.*

A Big Reason to Eat Whole Grains

(RxWiki News) Eating more whole grains could help reduce your risk of dying prematurely, a new study found.

This new study, conducted by Harvard researchers and published in the journal Circulation, analyzed data from 14 studies which included nearly 800,000 people. These studies were conducted between 1970 and 2010. 

Vitamin A Benefits

Vitamin A is great for maintaining eye health, but your eyes are not the only things that benefit from Vitamin A. It is derived from two different sources: preformed retinoids and provitamin carotenoids. As a supplement, Vitamin A has many benefits. It is also great for skin, bones, immune system and to improve fertility. Beta-carotene and other carotenoids are antioxidants that can help decrease your risk of cancer. Vitamin A is a vital fat-soluble vitamin that can greatly improve your overall health!

10 Foods High in Protein

Protein is a large molecule that contains long chain amino acids. The molecule is necessary for the human body to perform a wide range of metabolic reactions, and for DNA to continue replicating and cells growing. Without it, the body will not be able to grow, meaning it’s essential that absolutely everybody gets plenty of protein in their diet.

Avocado Seeds

Everyone knows that it is best to eat fruits and vegetables regularly, and it is mainly because every plant and fertilized nectar have a lot of benefits when cooked and ingested the right way. It is more than adding some color and to incorporate a little zing into the dishes; it is also to bestow consumers with vitamins, minerals, and other good stuff that will be absorbed into the body.