Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center

What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Okra (According to Studies)

Firstly, you should know some facts of okra:
  • Okra is rich in fiber, which is very beneficial for the body. Such fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy cholesterol levels, aiding in good digestion and stabilizing the blood sugar levels;
  • Okra will ensure you have a healthy pregnancy as it contains a good amount of B vitamins, which are important for promoting a healthy pregnancy. Besides, the folate in okra help reduce the neural tube defects in a newborn baby to help the baby develop normally;
  • Polysaccharides present in okra have a good stimulating effect on the body, which will improve your brain function;
  • Not only rich in fiber, okra is also very low in calories. There are only 30 calories every 100g, makes it a good option for a weight loss diet;
  • Okra is also a good source of lots of essential minerals, including calcium, iron magnesium and manganese.