Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center

Health 10 Benefits of Himalayan Salt for Health and Beauty

Before you get to know important benefits of Himalayan salt, read some basic information about this special type of salt. Having rose-like, delicate pink color, Himalayan salt is distinctive and famous for its nutritional value because it consists of a large amount of essential minerals. Himalayan salt is majorly extracted from the Himalayan belt, also known as “White gold”. Often called “pink salt”, Himalayan salt contains chloride, sulfate, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, copper, zinc, and fluoride. Because the majority of minerals available in this salt exist in the colloidal form, they can easily be absorbed by the human cells. Besides, because of its rich content of minerals, Himalayan salt offers a wide range of healing and therapeutic uses for both physical and mental health.