Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center

About The Ingredients of Sinus (Adult Sinus Support) by REDD REMEDIES

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that prevents the formation of histamine during a response to an allergen. In one clinical trial, allergy percent reduction in blood histamine levels.

Quercetin is a flavonoid found in apples and onions  that halts the production and release of histamine. It also reduces the production of leukotrienes, inflammatory compounds that stimulate airway constriction. And quercetin is a natural antioxidant-it helps neutralize free radicals generated during the allergic reaction. Quercetin is best taken with vitamin C mixed with bioflavonoids, as this improves the antihistamine effect. Much like vitamin C, quercetin also stabilizes mass cells.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine offers symptomatic relief by thinning  mucus secretions in the lungs and bronchial system. NAC is also a precursor to glutathione, one of the body's most effective radical scavengers.

Bromelain is a proteolytic or protein digesting enzyme derived from pineapple stems. In one head-to-head comparison of bromelain and conventional treatments, German researchers from the Leipzig University divided 116 patients with acute sinusitis in three groups: The first group was given bromelain, the second was treated with a combination of bromelain, a decongestant, and an antibiotic, and the third group just received the conventional drugs. After reviewing all of the data, the researchers found that bromelain not only relived symptoms faster, it cut the duration of sinus infections by almost two days. And none of the patients experienced any adverse side effects.

Stinging Nettle has been used traditionally for treating a variety of conditions, including seasonal allergies and hay fever. This prickly offers fast relief-often within 15 minutes. The key is herb's anti-inflammatory effect. In one open trial of 69 patients with seasonal allergies, 58 percent reported that taking freeze-dried nettle leaf daily relieved their symptoms. Almost half of the participants said it was more effective than over-the-counter allergy drugs.  And unlike over-the-counter allergy medicines, taking stinging nettle won't make you drowsy.

Barberry supports a healthy gut environment and promotes healthy immune system function.*

Ivy Leaf promotes healthy mucus membranes and defends the bronchial and lung passageways against occasional system irritation.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug  Administration.
*This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.