Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center

Give Your Four Legged Bestfriend The Best Care She/He Deserves!

Just like their human companions, as dogs age their joint tissues degrade which can cause discomfort and limited mobility. Your dogs can't tell you when their joints are feeling tight and uncomfortable, so they rely on you to see the signs:
  • Trouble getting up and down
  • Slow or stiff when moving 
  • Limping
  • Favoring one leg
  • Hesitancy to jump, run, play or climb stairs
  • Frequently holding a leg off the ground

Support your dog's joint flexibility, healthy joint structure and replace what's missing with  Redd Remedies RE-NU. RE-NU contains the natural, whole food ingredient NEM® (Natural Eggshell Membrane). NEM is one of nature's only resources that contains the building blocks your dog needs to rebuild cartilage and connective tissue, including collagen, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin and other essential glycosaminoglycans and proteins. 
Giving your pet RE-NU daily can improve and support your dog's joint health, maintain your dog's youthful mobility and flexibility and restore a healthy sheen and luster to your dog's coat.