Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center


Leptin (often referred to as the 'satiety' (fullness) hormone activates signaling pathways which tell the body it is full, and suppresses other pathways which stimulate appetite. If taken when the urge to snack arises, it is designed to help reduce the urge to eat. When taken before meals it reduces the inclination to overeat. Leptin is ideal to help control cravings!

Leptin circumvents "leptin resistance"
When a bio-electric signal is conveyed via the neural system to the leptin cell receptor sites in the brain the blood brain barrier is circumvented, thus avoiding leptin resistance. This signaling action is able to trigger the positive response to suppress hunger urges, convey a sense of fullness, and control cravings.

Our non-prescription hormone and growth factor formulations are based on cell-signaling to enable the body to optimize cell functioning in order to promote and enhance wellness. They are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, manage, or cure diseases.