Natural Rx Pharmacy and Wellness Center


IGF-1 levels decrease with age, similar to decreases in our growth hormone (hGH) levels. Lower IGF-1 signaling directly correlate with decrease in lean mass, loss of bone growth and density, reduced mental focus and clarity. Environmental toxins impact IGF-1 signaling resulting in more poorly coordinated cell-to-cell communication.

"IGF-1 carries out most of our growth hormone's anabolic (growth) effects by stimulating increased DNA synthesis, RNA synthesis, and increased uptake of extracellular proteins, carbohydrates, and simple sugars" Endocrinology Metabolism Clinics of North America, 1996.

IGF -1 signaling is essential for cells to function optimally. As a master signaling factor, IGF-1 influences cell dynamics from the way a cell uptakes nutrients and recovers from injury to our sense of mental clarity and feeling of well-being. This formula is clinically proven to provide both increased endurance and strenght for physical activities as well as mental clarity and focus. IGF-1 30C works  closely to augment the hGH response by providing a synergistic effect for achieving exercise and fitness goals.

Our non-prescription hormone and growth factor formulations are based on cell-signaling to enable the body to optimize cell functioning in order to promote and enhance wellness. They are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, manage, or cure diseases.